Apr 9, 2013

You.......My Special One

I've got a special someone,
one's that is really fun;
it can be anybody,
even if they make you run.

When I think about her,
she make's me feel;
something I never felt,
I'm happy that its real.

Even if she think's I'm a fading shadow,
She still the one with the floating halo;
but still I think that she is great,
and hope that I can get a date.

And everytime that I see her,
I feel that we'll have something next year;
but i do think that it'll not come true,
that's why I'm feeling blue.

I hope she's happy wherever she's in,
and that she's really not that mean;
but before everything is done,
I wanna tell her she's my special one.

This is one of my first few poems.....just wanted to share it again cause it was kinda far behind.......this makes me rethink again about how I felt last time when I first wrote this~ Ah.....the memories~

~ 0 Words of Wisdom: ~