May 27, 2009

The Days to Holiday part 1-Maths......and Danish

3 Days left to holiday

Today's exam which is Maths 1 was just okok lar.But I had forgotten to bring my goddamn calculator so I have to borrow Samson's(ultraman dude (= ).Heres the main story:Danish, my friend in the library had started to argue about his own religion, also saying that some stupid teacher of his in some other schoolhad told him that whoever whose religion is not ISLAM will go to hell, i was like FTWx100.....anyway because of that he is now being very "confused"because he just donnoe who to believe:the stupid agama teacher of his which is being a religion descriminater or the smart people who tells him the right thing which is everyone else

I hope he makes the right choice...........

Part 2
continued tomorrow-hope got something special to talk about lar or else sure damn sien...

~ 0 Words of Wisdom: ~